Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Final Edit Titles

Our original plan was to have titles similar to those used in Zombieland, which would be integrated in to the action. However, we found that this didn't work as well as we had hoped with our sequence and so, while two of the titles are inspired by the titles in Zombieland they are fairly subtle, and the rest of the titles are simple and plain. 
The simpler titles are similar to titles used in Da Vinci's Demon's (shown in the Art of the Title format below), which are smallish, white, have simple fade in/fade out effects, and are consistent thorughout the opening.
Before our opening sequence starts, we have titles for our production company, GEMM Productions, and our distributor, Studio Canal. This was inspired by the beginning of Adulthood, which has separate titles against a black background fro the director and the production company, as shown below.

In terms of genre, our titles can be compared to those of the British drama film 'This is England'. Like our titles, the typography is bold and white with the titles fading in and out. We liked the simplicity of these titles as they do not distract from the action of the sequence yet they still create enough impact for the audience to acknowledge and read them.This is England Opening Sequence

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