Question 4: What would be the audience for your media product?
Our target audience would largely comprise of teenagers/16-25s living in UK cities such as London, Manchester, Glasgow, etc. This was an appropriate choice to make due to the fact all our group members are part of this social group, and as a collective audience, consume similar media products.
In addition to this, we learnt through research that this age group is statistically going most frequently to the cinema.

Our audience is not specific to any ethnic background and not any necessarily to a certain class either, however those that it would appeal to most would have some knowledge of the problems of urban areas (not exclusive to just those who have experienced these problems) in order to relate to the narrative.
Similar Products:
The proposed audience for 'Consequences' would be fans of products with similar audiences, settings, themes, characters, for example Skins, Bullet Boy, Trainspotting, etc, sharing some of these attributes.
Here is are example profiles of our primary audience (left) and secondary audience (right) in the form of avatars on
It was elemental that we chose our audience quickly (which we did), as it one of the absolute most important starting points for thinking up any film idea whatsoever. Research and our existing knowledge helped us to choose an audience that we knew strongly how to communicate with and attract, which will be addressed in the next question.
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