Opening sequence treatment - film making techniques
- In the same
style as Trainspotting, we plan to use a range of shot types and editing within
the part of our opening sequence where the protagonist is running such as close
ups to convey the protagonist’s extremely paranoid and anxious expression, over
the shoulder shots to show the sequence from different points of views, fast-paced
match on action for continuity purposes as well as adding intensity and
excitement to our sequence, wide shots to provide perspective.
- We also plan to
use camera movements such as panning throughout our sequence to make the
audience feel more directly involved in what is going on.
- During the
conversation between the protagonist and
his girlfriend, we will use shot-reverse-shot
to present the conversation
from both POVs. We will also incorporate lots
of close ups into this part of the sequence
to show both characters’ reactions to
what is being said. We plan to include lots of reaction shots to contrast between the two characters.
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